Why I’m doing a #BookGiveaway (Psst. There are actually 2)

Sunshine Somerville

free-booksHere’s something the average reader may not know:  Most authors at some point think making our ebooks free seems like a good idea.  Once it’s free, we see a spike of downloads — “Look at my ranking! This is amazing!” …And then we don’t see much after that.  But we keep trying, because it’s a good way to get our books “out there” and maybe build up our audience.  And, quite frankly, everyone else is doing it so we feel like we have to or else we’ll get lost in the shuffle.

Unfortunately, ebook consumers are “trained” to look for freebies — “why pay $0.99 for a book that might be a dud when I can get this other one for free?”  But a lot of free ebooks get lost to the sad end of a rotating Kindle carousel, never to be looked at again.  Admit it, we all have them (I’m including…

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